Fashion — lacorine
Sustainable Fashion with Lacorine Alpaca Designs.
alpaca designs lacorine sustainable fashion Sustainable Fashion with Lacorine Alpaca Designs.

Sustainable Fashion with Lacorine Alpaca Designs. Lacorine Exquisite Alpaca Designs Why Choose Alpaca? Perhaps it’s the versatility, sustainability and quality of Alpaca garments that may be enough to sway you. Alpaca outperforms many other high-quality fibers not only in its high-luxe appeal but also for its luster, depth of colour and its long-life properties. How is Alpaca Fibre produced? Alpacas are bred purely for their fleeces. Farmers sheer them annually in the spring and their shearlings are used to produce a multitude of garments, including blankets, sweaters, ponchos, gloves, hats and scarves out of them. Due to the...