News — women
Women used to dominate the beer industry – until the witch accusations started pouring in

Women used to dominate the beer industry – until the witch accusations started pouring in Three women dressed in Middle-Age period garb as alewives. Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images Laken Brooks, University of Florida What do witches have to do with your favorite beer? When I pose this question to students in my American literature and culture classes, I receive stunned silence or nervous laughs. The Sanderson sisters didn’t chug down bottles of Sam Adams in “Hocus Pocus.” But the history of beer points to a not-so-magical legacy of transatlantic slander and gender roles. Up until the 1500s, brewing was...
Providence Heights Brings Renewed Hope to Seattle’s At-Risk Women
hope Providence Heights seattle Seattle’s At-Risk Women women

Providence Heights Brings Renewed Hope to Seattle’s At-Risk Women Seattle, WA, January 8, 2021 — Seattle spends more than $1 billion per year on fragmented programs to support its homeless, according to Puget Sound Business Journal. This figure is staggering yet offers no guarantees that these vital services will be available from one year to the next. Too much hinges on donations and government programs — dollars that hang in the balance relative to the local economy. Women and children are especially vulnerable to the dangers of living on the streets or in unsafe environments, and one...